Release to Vision 16th January 2025
Friday 17 January 2025
What we’ve been doing
Risk -Work continues on the Operator Licence pages with further work now being spec'd for Organisation Risk. Event groups will be:
- Company related PCN's
- DCPC training remaining
- Driver KPI's for Earned Recognition
- Operator Licencing including:
- Expired Licence
- CPC refresher training not taken place
- Excessive vehicles at Operating Centre
- Excessive trailers at Operating Centre

Manage My Fleet (MMF) - This has now been released to beta and includes the new asset profile screen which was released earlier this month

All members have access to use this page by setting MMF to on in the Beta Features section:

What are we releasing?
- We have created a new Banned driver report listing all drivers who have been banned along with the reason and who banned them.

Issues Resolved
- New Manage My Fleet Page- Issue resolved whereby unaccounted for KM’s were increasing when moving dates backwards
- Vehicle 7 Day Utilisation report – changes made to include different utilisation parameters is now working correctly and the report replaces the old 7-day utilisation report

- Vehicle D Code Report- Issues found have now been rectified and the report is now available for external users to see
- Alert mismatch between Vision self admin and Vision has now been rectified
- Debrief levels not showing on debrief is now rectified
If you have any questions about this release, please contact