If you're a member (or an employee of Logistics UK) using our new site for the first time, you don't usually need to request login credentials from anyone else - you can set them up for yourself.
You can create a new login, for yourself (linked to the e-mail address we have stored for your membership account) by following the steps below:
n.b. For members, the e-mail address you enter needs to be one stored by us on your Logistics UK membership account records.
When you receive the Reset Password e-Mail:
If you have any other issues or queries, just get in touch.
You can use the "Forgotten Password" link below (to set up a login) if you're logging in for the first time, or if you already a login and have just forgotten your password.
As long as your company is a member, and we have a record of your email address, then you should be able to reset/update your password, or create a login for yourself, using that "Forgotten Password" link.
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