Vision - Upcoming Visits
Monday 13 May 2024
As part of our continued improvement of the Vision platform for all users, we will shortly be launching the first part of a replacement to Audits and Inspections – Scheduled visits.
If you take a service where a Logistics UK member of staff visits site such as Compliance reviews, Audits or Vehicle Inspections, you will be familiar with the screen below:

The screen will be moved to its own dedicated tab within Audits and Inspections called ‘Upcoming visits’:

Clicking the menu item highlighted above will take you to the new screen.

The screen is a listing page that shows all the visits that are upcoming with the following field headers:
· Job ID - unique identifier for the job
· Product description - an overview of the type of work
· Scheduled status – hovering over the status gives more detail as indicated below.

· Asset ID & Asset Type – if the visit is a Vehicle Inspection
· Location – friendly name of the location as opposed to an exact address.
· Scheduled Date and Time – date and time the visit is scheduled for.
· Status
· Actions – click on either of these icons to make amendments or confirm the intended scheduled date and time.
Clicking the pencil icon under Actions will take you to the amendment request screen:

From this screen you can request an amended date or a cancellation. This will go to our scheduling team who will be in contact to confirm any necessary details.
Click the plus icon in Actions to acknowledge the appointment date and time. This will stop the visit appearing in any future scheduling emails from Vision.