Changes to 48 hour working time adjustment in Vision
Thursday 15 September 2022
To make Vision reporting more accurate when analysing working time, we have recently made some changes when applying the 48hr rule where a minimum of 2 days of parental leave, statutory holiday, sickness, or a combination of these are added to Vision, and where the rest of that fixed week has rest days applied.
In these circumstances, Vision will automatically adjust these events so that the fixed week totals 48 hours regardless of the length of the activity originally added either through the manual entry option or an import process.
In this example we have added over- night statutory holiday, sickness, and parental leave:

Once rest days are added the times adjust to ensure the fixed week totals 48hrs:

Once the adjustment has been made you will be unable to edit the activities in the week. If you delete any days in that week, the whole week will be removed.
To clarify, where a fixed week has 7 days of sickness, statutory holiday, and or parental leave applied the 48 hour adjustment will continue to come into effect as illustrated below: