Recorded rests
Thursday 25 March 2021
A new option has been added to the driver calendar enabling Vision to display a drivers’ recorded rests.

This new feature allows you to see where your drivers have recorded breaks from work, and daily and weekly rests recorded either by leaving the card in the vehicle unit or by adding the rests as a manual entry on their driver card. Amended rests where the driver has incorrectly recorded work rather than rest will also be displayed once the activity has been updated in the "Shifts in excess of 20 hrs" alert. The different types of recorded rest are all illustrated in the key:

Manual entries such as sick days or holidays can be added to Vision on the days where rest activities are recorded to give a more detailed picture of your drivers’ activities:

If you don’t want to see recorded rests click the cog on the top right hand side of the page and remove the tick against “Recorded rests”:

Please be aware that recorded rests will only show once an upload has been received on or after April 8th 2021