Manage My Operator Licence
Thursday 06 February 2025
We have created a new page in Vision that will help you to manage your company’s Operator Licences (O Licence).
The page offers:
- One place to store your O licence details.
- Simple allocation of vehicles and trailers to your Operating Centres
- Fast addition of inspection frequency which
- All updates will reflect in the asset profile on Vision
- Clear view of the numbers of vehicles and trailers assigned to your O licence
- Asset’s location changes will be reflected on your O Licence page, and asset counts.
- Includes an area to add all CPC holders with dates of training
Using the Manage My Operator Licence page
Those with Primary Contact and Company Admin roles are allowed to update the O Licence pages. Those with the Advanced Editor Role may view the information.
To access the page, click the “Manage Operator Licence” icon on the left-hand side of the page:

Click “Add Licence” completing each section as displayed below:

Click “NEXT”and select “YES” for Earned recognition if you are on the scheme adding you ER Unique identifier. Or select “NO” to add in your Operator Compliance Risk Score (OCRS)

Select “NEXT” to add in your inspection frequencies:

“SAVE AND CLOSE” to display a summary of your Operator Licence details:

You can update your OCRS by clicking the edit icon highlighted in red below:

Clicking the “Key” icon will give you details of how OCRS works:

Adding Your Operator Centre Details
You can collapse your O Licence details by clicking the icon highlighted below. The map will show the Traffic Commissioners’ office for the O licence area selected:

Your next step is to start adding your Operating centre/s. Select the add button (+) and complete the information as shown below:

Select “NEXT” and add in the inspection frequency:

Then select the locations. Assets assigned to the locations selected will be automatically allocated to the Operating Centre :

Click “SAVE AND CLOSE” to display the Operating Centre on the map and the overview page. The summary will show address details and will highlight the number of vehicles and trailers allocated against the number allowed at that Operating Centre.

If the Operating Centre exceeds the number of vehicles and trailers allocated to it, the details will be shown in red:

Highlighting the Operating Centre and clicking the Asset list button will show those vehicles or trailers that are allocated to that centre:

You can link to the asset profile pages by clicking the registration giving access to move the asset if necessary:

Adding Transport Managers
You can add your CPC holders to your Operating Centre by selecting the “Transport Manager” button and adding the details as requested:

Licence List View
Click the “Licence List View” to return to the listing page where you will see all the O Licences added to your account:

If you have multiple O Licences for your account, you can highlight the star next to you most used centre. This will make it your default overview page when opening the Operator Licence feature.
To get back to the Overview page simply click the Licence area link: