Drivers hours assigned to driver profile

This new feature in Visionfta allows you to assign drivers’ hours’ to the drivers’ profile. This option is particularly valuable to local authorities and councils that have operations where drivers have to work under varying sets of drivers’ hours rules e.g. UK Domestic, NI Domestic, EU or no rules.

In the past hours could only be set against the vehicle which caused particular problems where the same vehicle was operating under different sets of rules depending on the type of duty they were undertaking.

It is important to note that unless the drivers’ hours’ are changed against the driver they will continue to be analysed against those set by the vehicle. If you are happy with the way data is currently analysed there is no need to enable this option.

The option to add hours to the driver is permissions based. Those customers that would like to add the hours to their drivers should first contact to enable that permission.

Once the drivers hours’ role is enabled, go to Visonfta and click on “Drivers”.

Open the profile of the driver to whom you would like to apply the hours to. You will see the drivers’ hours’ field on the bottom left hand side of the screen:

To change the hours click on the scroll and select the hours that your driver should be working to.

Once selected, click on save.

At this point all new data uploaded after the date when the hours were applied to the driver will be analysed against that set of rules. All historic data will be analysed against the hours set against the vehicle.


  • I open the driver profile
  • The hours’ rules are “set by vehicle” and the rules against the vehicles are EU.
  • The last upload showed data until 30th September
  • I change the rules against the driver to UK Domestic on 1st October
  • I upload data on 20th October
  • Any new data from 30th September to the last activity on the upload will be analysed against UK domestic rules.
  • All data prior to that will be analysed under EU rules.