Driver Debrief and new location selection added to Visionfta
In response to customer demand we have now added a permissions based feature which will allow you to debrief your drivers’ infringements electronically through Vision.
The debrief module includes the facility to add debrief or training comments for each driver. Notes can be either added to all infringements or just a few.

All the information added can be displayed on an instant report that can be run from Visionfta as soon as the debrief is completed and will detail all those infringements discussed as well as including overall comments. This report also includes a place for both the driver and the person carrying out the debrief to sign.

Those drivers with outstanding infringements yet to debrief can easily be identified through the extra search option on the Manage my drivers screen or by running the new Driver debrief exception report detailing each driver and each infringement that has not been debriefed.

To access the Driver debrief feature contact who will also be able to provide you with full instructions on how to use it.
Changes to Location Selection
This new feature available in the Manage my drivers, Manage my vehicles and Alerts pages allows you to select more than one location at a time and defaults to show all details for all locations for which you have permissions.