Shift summary report
The Shift summary report and Export CSV has been developed to allow you to use various filters to produce a report over any given period summarising drivers’ details and a summary of their shifts.
Both the report and export can be filtered to include or exclude the categories displayed below:

The report will highlight any free manual entries (Rest days. Other, Time off in Lieu, Unauthorised absence), Sick days, Stat hols and Extra holidays. Other manual entries will also be displayed but highlighted only as “Manual entries”.
Where a manual entry has been added to a driver card, these will be highlighted as a Digital manual entry.

The report shows the data by driver in rows of 7 days with a summary of the shift total at the end of each row and an overall total at the end. If the driver works over night the report will show the first full shift on the start date of the reporting period and the last full shift that started on the last date of the reporting period.
If you exclude for example, holiday, the report will still display the activity type, but will not include those activities in the shift total or overall total.