Defect sign off process
FTA has now incorporated into Vision a process that provides an electronic sign off of defects identified when inspected by our team of Engineers, where members have taken the Vehicle Inspection Service.
In accordance with the DVSA Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness, it is a requirement that:
“a signed statement that any defects have been repaired satisfactorily and the vehicle is now in a safe and roadworthy condition”
To provide this facility the inspection report viewable in Vision has a new ‘Defects’ tab. On this page is each defect found and reported by our Engineers and enables the member to add information about each defect when repaired, including information about the repair, who did it and further a sign off statement confirming suitable completion of repairs and returning the vehicle to use.
To view the new process, from the Home page click on the ‘Audits and Inspections’ tile on the Vision home page
Choose report to view the defects for, by clicking on the title:

Click on the ‘Defects’ tab:

Complete the details on the vehicles return from the workshop:

When defects have all been completed, a sign off statement appears to be signed off electronically by the permissioned person signed in to the system:

When signed off, defect alerts are automatically dismissed and a green tick appears next to the Defect tab system:

Alerts on the home page will count down as the defects are signed off, until all are completed.