New features on Visionfta
Upload locations available on the day detail page
The upload location for each entry is now displayed in an editable format on the day detail screen. This is in preparation for the introduction of a suite of Roaming driver reports and is permissions based.
This feature will be used by companies that have drivers who are employed by a company but spend their time working at different depots.
The roaming reports will be designed to display only those activities that the driver has undertaken for that location. This will be governed by the upload location set against their data.

Date selection on calendars
Selection of dates within both the vehicle and driver calendar has been changed.
Dates that are not adjacent can now be selected by CTRL and clicking on the dates required.
Full weeks that aren’t adjacent can also be selected by clicking on the week selection column on the left hand side of the calendar view

Start and end times added to the Driver and Vehicle Calendar
In response to customer demand we have added a feature which when turned on will display the start and end times of each entry on both the vehicle and driver calendar.
Displaying the information helps in the debrief process particularly where daily or weekly rest infringements have taken place.
To view the start and end times open up either the driver of vehicle calendar and click on the “show times in calendar” and times will be displayed.