Welcome to the Vision changes and updates page

This is where we post about the improvements we've made to the platform and where we tell you how to utilise the new features in the best way possible.


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Combined Infringement, Event and Debrief Dashboard

Following feedback from several customers we have created a combined overview of our infringement and debrief dashboards which benefits from the following: • One screen showing both graphical and tabular data • Infringement summary, detail and debrief summary information all in one place • Links directly to the day detail page • Filters available that effect all the dashboards • Snap tools to show hierarchies • Tooltips to show monthly details of infringements and debrief information

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Changes to Asset Management

Over the last few months, we have been making some changes to the way we create and store information on assets and in doing so you will see a couple on changes in Vision.

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Vision Uploader Upgrade

The Vision uploader is being updated so it only supports the latest, most secure version of TLS therefore protecting all our customers data

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Banned Drivers

Following requests from our customers, we have created a feature that allows you to flag a driver as “Banned”.

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Uploading Training Documents

We have created a brand new feature which will enable you to upload and store training documents on the training section of the driver profile.

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User Management in Vision

In the users’ section of Self Admin, you can manage users as well as configuring access levels.

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New Reporting Scheduler

In the reporting section of Self Admin, you can manage schedules as well as being able to add or remove reports and schedule recipients.

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Changes to Lead In Drive adjustment

In response to demand from our customers we have made changes to the way the “drive adjustment” calculates for both the Lead in/out dashboard and the Lead in section of compliance reviews to bring results in line with those shown on the self- service report.

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Uploading Printouts to Vision

We have created a brand- new feature which will enable you to upload and store printouts on your drivers’ calendar, features include:

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Changes to Vision and Licence Bureau integration

The integration between Vision and Licence Bureau has remained largely unchanged since it was implemented in April 2016. In addition, with TTC’s acquisition of Licence Bureau in March 2020, the Logistics UK development team have now linked the integration with TTC’s Continuum webservice

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