Welcome to the Vision changes and updates page

This is where we post about the improvements we've made to the platform and where we tell you how to utilise the new features in the best way possible.


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Uploading Printouts to Vision

We have created a brand- new feature which will enable you to upload and store printouts on your drivers’ calendar, features include:

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Changes to Vision and Licence Bureau integration

The integration between Vision and Licence Bureau has remained largely unchanged since it was implemented in April 2016. In addition, with TTC’s acquisition of Licence Bureau in March 2020, the Logistics UK development team have now linked the integration with TTC’s Continuum webservice

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New updates to the Vision driver app

The Vision driver app has been updated to allow drivers to sign off debriefs completed through Vision.

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Changes to 48 hour working time adjustment in Vision

To make Vision reporting more accurate when analysing working time, we have recently made some changes when applying the 48hr rule where a minimum of 2 days of parental leave, statutory holiday, sickness, or a combination of these are added to Vision, and where the rest of that fixed week has rest days applied.

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New self-service reporting screen

The Vision self-service reporting page is being updated to include the following enhancements: Location permissions, set in the user management section of Vision self admin will automatically be reflected in the location options for each user in the self-service reporting screen. Multiple reports can be run and stored on the self- service “Home” page to be downloaded later in the day. Reports can be run for multiple locations even when they don’t belong to the same hierarchy.

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Vision Self Admin- Location Hierarchies

This new feature available under Manage Locations allows companies with more than 1 location to set up and build their own reporting hierarchies initially for Dashboard reporting and user permissions. Self service and scheduled reports will be updated to use these hierarchies later in the year.Enter a Summary

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Manual entry dashboard

The Manual entry dashboard is designed for those companies that expect to see their drivers adding manual entries to their driver cards to show activities at the start and end of shifts, during shifts where there are gaps between traces, and to record overnight or weekly rest.

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Lead in, Lead out Dashboard

The Lead in, lead out dashboard is designed for those companies that expect to see periods of work recorded at the start and end of each shift and vehicle change. The practice of recording a period of work at the start and end of shifts is often used to help demonstrate that a walkaround check has taken place.

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Using Vision on Internet Explorer 11

From 1st November 2021, we will no longer be supporting and testing Vision on Internet Explorer 11. It may be that our functionality within Vision will still work on Internet Explorer 11 after this date, but we will not actively be testing and developing for this platform.

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Mileage Dashboard

The mileage dashboard helps you monitor various key performance indicators (KPI’s) based on the vehicle unit data.

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