Vehicle download compliance report set explained

This page is aimed at members looking to determine if their vehicle files are being downloaded within the recommended number of download days.

Level 1

The set starts at company level.

Criteria: a temperature gauge to depict the percentage of all the company's vehicles that have not downloaded their vehicle files within the 56-day default compliance period. The download date is taken from the vehicle unit file tab named 'current date time'. This means that any vehicle file that has not been downloaded within the 56-day compliance period is non-compliant.

Drill down: clicking on the temperature gauge will take the user to the next level down in the report set - vehicle download compliance by area 1.

Level 2

Criteria: this report shows multiple linear gauges with one gauge per area. On the left-hand side of each gauge the different areas are displayed along with the number of vehicles that fall under that area.

The red bar next to each area shows the number and percentage of vehicles that have not been downloaded within the 56-day compliance period.

The green bar next to each area shows the number and percentage of vehicles that have been downloaded within the 56-day compliance period.

Order: the area with the highest percentage of non compliant vehicles is ranked first with the rest of the areas in descending order.

Drill down: clicking on an area's gauge will take the user to next level down in the report set - vehicle download compliance by area 2.

Level 3

Criteria: as per level 2.

Order: as per level 2.

Drill down: clicking on an area's gauge will take the user to the next level down in the report set - vehicle download compliance by depot (this will display the depots that belong to the area the user has drilled in from).

Level 4

Criteria: this report is laid out as a 2D bar chart. Each depot is listed down the the left hand side with the average number of days since the last vehicle file download shown at the bottom of the chart.

The washed green background marks the 56-day compliance period cut-off point.

The red bar against each depot represents the average number of days since the last vehicle file download.

Within the red bar is a number that shows the total number of vehicles that are non-compliant within the depot.

The green bar against each depot represents the average number of days since the last vehicle file download.

Within the green bar is a number that shows the total number of vehicles that are compliant within the depot.

Order: the depot with the highest average of days since the last vehicle download is shown at the top with the rest of the depots ranked in descending order.

Drill down 1: clicking on the red bar takes the user to the next level down in the report set - vehicle download non-compliant at depot - level 5a.

Drill down 2: clicking on the green bar takes the user to the next level down in the report set - vehicle download compliant at depot - level 5b.

Level 5a

Criteria: this report level shows the non-compliant vehicles within the depot the user drilled in from. The red bar for each vehicle represents the number of days since its last file download. The date within the bar is the actual date of the last file download foe the vehicle.

On the right of the bar chart are two columns:

last activity - this will show the date of the last known activity for the vehicle - this date is taken form the VU file tab - 'downloadable period' - 'max downloadable time'

last upload - this will show the date of the last time a vehicle file was uploaded to FTA's system via the CDU software, for example.

Order: the vehicle with the highest number of days since the last file download is ranked first with the rest of the vehicles following on in descending order.

Level 5b

Criteria: this report level shows the compliant vehicles within the depot that the user drilled in from. The green bar for each vehicle represents the number of days since its last file download. The date within the bar is the actual date of the last file download for the vehicle.

Order: the vehicle with the highest number of days since the last file download is ranked first with the rest of the vehicles following on in descending order.