Showing 11-20 results of 2000

Workplace Transport Safety Advice

It’s fair to say that lorry yards can be dangerous work environments. Marshalling a fleet of HGVs into often limited space bays, ensuring efficient turn-around and release of trucks against a demanding delivery schedule all combine to heighten the risk to individual employees, drivers and operatives.

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Operations Efficiency Advice

One of the primary areas for Logistics UK's consultants is improving the operational efficiency of a transport function or business. Over time their approach has saved members millions of pounds in costs and increased performance. They bring a combination of deep sector knowledge, vastness of industry benchmark data, along with a completely objective view to how existing work practices need to change.

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Engineering Investigation

Our team are regularly called to support members where an independent investigation is required into the cause or the effects of a vehicle engineering issues like an engineering related failure, the cause of a collision, fault finding and rectification, or perhaps an objective review of a member’s fleet to allow optimal planning and best whole life costs.

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Driver Agency Excellence - Certified Agencies

Find out which Driver Agencies are currently certified by Logistics UK's Driver Agency Excellence Scheme

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Logistics UK Shop

Our online store is your one-stop-shop for all your compliance needs.

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One Fateful Day

A film we produced to look at the people affected by a company van collision and the impact a successful Health & Safety Executive prosecution has on all involved.

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Van Fleet Insurance

Van Excellence introduces its van insurance product. 

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Passenger Carrying Vehicle Inspections

Our Vehicle Inspection Service offers industry leading UKAS-accredited inspections and compliance reporting. Our comprehensive service covers all types of passenger carrying vehicles.

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Vehicle Inspection Service - VIS

Logistics UK offers a wide ranging, comprehensive, industry leading vehicle inspection and compliance reporting service, that is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

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