Showing 51-60 results of 2000

Prosecutions and court procedure

A summons for a road traffic offence will generally contain the allegation that the accused either used, caused, permitted or ...

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Vehicle registration

A vehicle which is used on the roads must in all but a few cases be registered. This involves the identification of the vehicle through a unique registration mark ...

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Vehicle testing, plating and prohibitions

Vehicles used on the road must be roadworthy, there are four separate vehicle testing regimes for vehicle not exempt from testing and plating ...

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Trade licences

Untaxed and unregistered vehicles may operate on the public road under a trade licence in certain circumstances ...

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Type approval

Type approval is the system whereby the vehicle, its components or systems can be tested and approved for compliance with standards ...

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Vehicle excise licensing

Vehicles that are used or kept on roads ‘maintainable at the public expense’ must be taxed according to their construction and use, unless exempt, under the terms of the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994 ...

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Weight and dimensions of vehicles

The maximum permissible weights and dimensions of goods vehicles in the UK have traditionally been set out in the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 ...

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Abnormal loads

Abnormal, or indivisible, loads may be carried on vehicles on the public roads provided the carriage is undertaken in line with a section 44 permit (section 44 of the Road Traffic Act 1988) ...

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Dangerous goods

In Europe the international carriage of dangerous goods by road is governed by the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) ...

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Local authority activities

Local authorities operate a wide variety of vehicles, and the legal requirements are complicated because of the range of exemptions and concessions which apply to certain vehicles but not to others ...

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