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irtec Licence - Technical Staff Competency Assessments

The irtec Licence is a qualification developed for vehicle technicians in the HGV, PCV and trailer sectors. It is a nationally recognised certificate which demonstrates to any employer in the road transport industry that an inspection technician has reached a required standard to undertake vehicle inspections. 

In-company training

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Known Consignor (KC)

All staff with unescorted access to identifiable secure air cargo will require training to some degree. Exactly which staff receive which level or module is down to the specific company to decide based on their knowledge of the operation and the rules set in place by the CAA/DfT.

Public & in-company training

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Known Consignor (KC) – eLearning

All staff with unescorted access to identifiable secure air cargo require training to some degree. There is a training syllabus specifically for Known Consignor and their drivers (Known Consignor Modules 1–7).

Exactly which staff receive which level or module is down to the specific company to decide based on their knowledge of the operation and the rules set in place by the CAA/DfT.

Online training

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LCV Inspection Procedures and Standards


This course is designed to equip and develop vehicle inspection technicians, workshop supervisors and engineering managers with the relevant information and skills to raise light commercial vehicle (LCV) inspection standards.

The LCV Inspection Procedures and Standards course also gives an insight into the knowledge requirements for candidates wishing to undertake the irtec Light Inspection Licence, underpinning knowledge test and practical assessment.

In-company training

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Logistics UK Driver Assessor Certificate

This course focuses on the practical aspects of driver assessment and corrective training. It is an extremely cost-effective way of providing training throughout a company. Subsequent ‘in-house’ training will ensure that drivers are taught about safe and responsible conduct, giving consideration to fuel economy and other road users. 

In-company training

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Logistics UK Driver Assessor Certificate – Revalidation Course

This course is designed for candidates who have previously completed the Driver Assessor Certificate course and wish to revalidate their certificate. Delegates who successfully complete the course will be re-certified by Logistics UK for a further 4 years for assessing HGV and PSV drivers. Revalidation can be taken up to 12 months before the expiry of the original certificate and maintain the original expiry date, plus 4 years.

In-company training

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Logistics UK Driver CPC Consortium

Deliver your own Driver CPC training in association with Logistics UK. The Logistics UK CPC Consortium offers access to industry recognised, quality course materials and support services. Consortium membership offers a range of benefits including an on-site visit, remote audit, trainer assessment day, industry-leading management information through Logistics UK Vision and access to core Logistics UK modules.

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Logistics UK Training Audit

The Logistics UK Training Audit is an independent review to confirm that your organisation demonstrates a consistent approach to high-quality training standards. The audit looks at areas such as the quality and delivery of the training provided, knowledge transfer, and whether the course being delivered meets the approved course layout.

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Logistics UK Training Endorsement

The Logistics UK Training Endorsement offers a transparent, independent and external quality assurance benchmark that demonstrates training delivery and content have been reviewed for quality assurance, rigour, structure and fairness.

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Management of Drivers’ Hours and Records

This course examines the legal framework of drivers’ hours and records legislation. Although many operations now utilise sophisticated tachograph analysis software, problems can arise when drivers ask to interrogate these records or when incorrect data is produced. This course highlights the complexities that the drivers’ hours rules create, particularly the relationship between the hours’ rules and parallel ‘working time regulations’.

Online and in-company classroom

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