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Administration Support

Logistics UK offers a first class administration support package. Our dedicated team of administrators can provide you with support to manage your training administration processes.

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ADR Track and Train

Logistics UK's ADR Track and Train service schedules your ADR requirements.

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ADR Training

All drivers of vehicles carrying dangerous goods, within scope of the ADR provisions, must attend a Department for Transport (DfT) approved basic training course in order to be legally qualified to transport such loads. ADR Initial qualifies for up to 28 hours Driver CPC (DCPC).

Public & in-company training

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Air Cargo Security Courses - CASP, CO, COS

All staff with unescorted access to identifiable secure air cargo will require training. Exactly which staff receive which level or module is down to the company to decide, based on their knowledge of the operation and the rules set in place by the CAA/DfT.

Public & in-company

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Aircrew Security Courses

This training is mandatory for all aircrew of UK registered aircraft. TrainingTeam can deliver the required DfT training syllabus for those aircrew identified in DfT Direction 12(d).

Public & in-company training

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All about apprenticeships

More information to find and begin your apprenticeship...

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All Levels Refresher

Over recent years there has been some confusion with certificate validity periods. However the safe rule is that all levels of training must be refreshed within two years. There is no period of grace following the expiry of a certificate, so once the training has expired the holder is required to re-sit the full course again.  The only exceptions to this are the National X-ray Competency Test (NXCT) which must be repeated successfully within 13 months of the previous test; and the Cargo Manager level CM, which is valid for 36 months providing the holder has no direct involvement with the handling or screening of secure air cargo. If this is not the case and the manager is involved with the operation, the 24 month rule applies.

Public & in-company training

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Amazon Freight Partners

Amazon Freight Partners

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Applying for an apprenticeship

There are many apprenticeships to choose from, in fact, over 700.

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Apprenticeship enquiry form

Apprenticeship enquiry form

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