Showing 271-280 results of 2000

January Edition

Welcome to the latest edition of Logistics UK’s OLCIS e-news update. This document is a monthly round-up of transport news items sent out as part of your subscription to the Operator Licence Compliance Information Service. Its objective is to keep you up to date with news affecting your commercial vehicle operation. These pages may be printed and kept in the email section at the back of the guide. To view previous editions and access your other subscription benefits, visit the dedicated OLCIS hub.

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February Edition

Welcome to the February edition of Logistics UK’s OLCIS e-news update. This document is a monthly round-up of transport news items sent out as part of your subscription to the Operator Licence Compliance Information Service. Its objective is to keep you up to date with news affecting your commercial vehicle operation. These pages may be printed and kept in the email section at the back of the guide. To view previous editions and access your other subscription benefits, visit the dedicated OLCIS hub.

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March Edition

Welcome to the March edition of Logistics UK’s OLCIS e-news update. This document is a monthly round-up of transport news items sent out as part of your subscription to the Operator Licence Compliance Information Service. Its objective is to keep you up to date with news affecting your commercial vehicle operation. These pages may be printed and kept in the email section at the back of the guide. To view previous editions and access your other subscription benefits, visit the dedicated OLCIS hub.

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Additional Depot Membership

Additional Depot Membership is aimed at branches of parent companies who already have Logistics UK membership.

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Logistics in Scotland

Logistics UK is campaigning for many improvements including the resilience of key transport infrastructure, facilitating mode shift and more...

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Growing our Inland Waterways

Britain’s canals and rivers should be playing a bigger role in our freight network, but policy and planning changes are needed to make this happen...

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Road Tolling Charter

As a first principle, Logistics UK is against road tolling, although we recognise that some infrastructure would not be built without tolls to provide a return on investment

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Rail Freight Optimisation

Logistics UK has updated its advice about how the performance of rail in the multi-modal supply chain may be optimised so that it continues to grow by delivering for its customers ...

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Heathrow Expansion

Air Freight has stalled in the UK for many years due to limited capacity. The third runway will unlock demand and enable more long-distance trade with more trading partners, a crucial requirement in light of Brexit.

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Triennial Review of the Traffic Commissioners

This outlined a number of proposals for reform of the operator licensing system, some of which included legislative change ...

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