Showing 201-210 results of 2000

Shift summary report

The Shift summary report and Export CSV has been developed to allow you to use various filters to produce a report over any given period summarising drivers’ details and a summary of their shifts.

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RTD Condensed report

The RTD driver weekly report has been developed to allow you to view drivers working time for multiple weeks, displaying each full reference period on one page. This scheduled or self service …

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Over speed report

This report is ONLY available when detailed speed is part of the VU download and is designed to display when a driver has exceeded a speed limiter speed. The report is updated as the VU …

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Debrief analysis report

The driver debrief analysis report is based on the driver daily/weekly analysis report but uses debrief dates and debrief status rather than start and finish dates to generate it. Provided that you …

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Delays in delivery

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General Average

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