All users of Visionfta are able to view a drivers performance provided they are given permission to do so. If you would like to see this information please contact
The driver profile now allows you to view a drivers performance results over a rolling 12 week period across 3 KPI’s:
- Average infringements per driver day
- Average repeat infringements per driver day
- Average potential OCRS score per driver day
The driver profile will give you
- Details of all the information that has been included in calculations
- Details of how the calculation was done
- Drivers performance over the last 52 weeks (dependant on the drivers start date)
- Drivers performance in comparison to Location, Company, Sector and National averages
- Links to the Leaderboard to see how the driver compares to others

As a default performance is displayed as an average figure calculated over a rolling 12 weeks. However, this can be configured along the following information:
- KPI’s displayed
- A to G ratings set up
- Number of weeks’ performance is measured over
- What is included in benchmark calculations?
Details will be configured for the whole account so we would recommend that this permission is only given to a few people in the company.

Contact for more information.