This brand new report is ONLY available when detailed speed is part of the VU download and is designed to display when a driver has exceeded a speed limiter speed.
The report is updated as the VU files are uploaded, and according to the filter selected will display the driver name, the date and time that the top speed took place, along with the top speed, average and the length of time the speed was maintained.
Select a speed limit of 90KPH, 100KPH or 113KPH to display by exception those drivers, dates and times when the vehicle exceeded the selected limit.

This new printable screen is available to all users. It shows the drivers pre plan (where shift pre plan is set up) and actual activities along with start, end and shift times and analysis of matching and non-matching shifts. This can help you visualise your drivers’ activities as well as seeing if your pre plan is being followed (where shift pre plan is set up).
The gap analysis screen and reports are available under the Reports Button in both the Manage my drivers screen and Driver calendar screen.

In response to customer requests the Activity detail report, available on the driver calendar and day detail pages is now available for a single day.
To produce the report, select a single day on the driver calendar and select the activity report from the Reports button or open the day detail for the day in question from either the Driver calendar or the Manage my drivers click the Reports button and select Activity detail report.