Showing 911-920 results of 2000

Criticism of suspending home deliveries is unfair, says FTA

If Keith Brown, the new Transport Minister for Scotland, thinks it is ‘unreasonable’ for large retailers to withdraw their home delivery services, then he has failed to appreciate the scale of the problem caused by a Scottish transport network woefully under-prepared for extreme winter weather ...

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Localism Bill mustn't become a licence for 'Nimby-ism' says FTA

The Localism Bill, published today to give local councils more say over planning decisions, could be bad for UK transport infrastructure, warns the Freight Transport Association (FTA).

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Soaring parking fines are just a revenue-raiser, says FTA

Lorry operators in London could see costs soar if proposals to increase parking charges in Greater London go ahead, warns the Freight Transport Association (FTA).

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FTA wins assurances so that Scotland is not closed for business during severe winter weather

Following urgent consultation with Transport Scotland, Central Scotland Police and the Scottish government, FTA has won assurances that should mean the conditions which effectively rendered Scotland closed for business in recent weeks ...

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FTA's online updates keep lorry operators ahead of the weather

With the wintry weather conditions forecast to return to many parts of the UK this week, it is vital that lorry operators have the correct information on road and weather conditions in order for them to make informed decisions regarding their transport operations.

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Businesses and MPs concur with FTA: Severn Tolls are a ‘barrier’

A poorly conceived piece of legislation is costing users of the Severn Bridge dearly according to a report out today commissioned by the Welsh Affairs Select Committee (WASC).

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Industry works with Scottish Government to keep lorries moving in harsh weather

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) and Road Haulage Association (RHA) met with Scottish Government ministers to discuss ways to keep Scotland moving in severe weather conditions.

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2011 road transport law guide now available from FTA

With road transport law constantly changing, the Freight Transport Association’s essential guide to road transport law, which has just been published, is a vital addition to every transport office ...

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