Showing 981-990 results of 2000

Government backed trials show quiet night-time deliveries work

The realisation of the environmental, economic and road safety benefits of delivering goods out-of-hours has taken a significant step forward with the results of the Quiet Delivery Demonstration Scheme (QDDS) trials ...

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'Make friends with your maintenance contractor' - says Traffic Commissioner in FTA web chat

West of England Traffic Commissioner Sarah Bell has told Transport Managers "not to overlook the importance of their relationship with maintenance contractors" adding that "they should be considered as your best friend".

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Safety and compliance dominate agenda at All Island Freight Forum

The overwhelming consensus among participants of the All Island Freight Forum (AIFF) held this week and led by the Freight Transport Association (FTA) was that safety and compliance must be harmonised across the north and south of the island of Ireland ...

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Freight by Water event to unlock potential of water freight in Scotland

Water freight can unlock hitherto untapped potential for Scotland’s supply chain, benefitting businesses and the environment alike. Industry stakeholders will be able to judge whether water freight is for them at a Freight by Water event held in September and in conjunction with the Freight Transport Association’s Scottish Supply ...

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Bunker levy passes the buck on tackling climate change, says BSC

At its quarterly meeting held in London yesterday, the British Shippers Council (BSC) – a democratic arm of the UK’s Freight Transport Association – resolutely rebuffed proposals to impose a bunker levy on shippers to fund ...

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Keen and growing interest in FORS audits reported by FTA

Having won the tender to provide Freight Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) audits, the Freight Transport Association (FTA) is reporting a high level of interest in applicants for accreditation of this scheme to improve freight delivery in London ...

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M4 tunnel chaos amplifies calls for relief road, says FTA

The massive disruption and additional cost to industry caused by the closure of the M4’s Brynglas tunnel has amplified calls for a Newport relief road to help alleviate pressure along this vital trade corridor. The Freight ...

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Improve security with Zenloc Portable Alarm from FTA

The Freight Transport Association has been awarded the sole distribution rights to the Zenloc Portable Alarm, a security device which can improve driver safety, reduce costs – possibly including a reduction in insurance premiums - and help prevent illegal immigration ...

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Logistics sector feels unprepared for Olympics, warns FTA

A lack of forthcoming information from government agencies has left the vast majority of logistics providers in and around London feeling unprepared for the arrival of the world’s largest sporting event. In the absence of ...

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Industry forced to find extra £1.3bn to fill its fuel tanks, says FTA

Road freight operators have had to find an additional £1.3 billion over a 12-month period to cover the rising cost of fuel, figures from the Freight Transport Association’s Cost Information Service show. The 12 pence per litre (ppl) rise in the cost of diesel ...

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