Showing 571-580 results of 2000

Supply chain warnings are sense not scaremongering, says FTA

The Freight Transport Association is today (9 October) urging British and EU negotiators who are meeting in Brussels to heed the warnings from traders and logistics operators on both sides ...

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Set financial standing rates in pounds not euros after Brexit, says FTA

The logistics industry has been spared a further rise in the amount of financial standing required for operators to continue trading next January by a matter of weeks, thanks to a bounce ...

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Let fireworks light up the sky, not the roads, urges FTA

Sparklers and Catherine wheels may provide “oohs” and “aahs” at Bonfire and other parties during the winter months, and can now be purchased in supermarkets and sweet shops, but ...

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FTA renews call for London Freight Commissioner

The FTA is renewing its call for a Freight Commissioner for London, to ensure the city can keep trading effectively. FTA, which represents more than 16,000 businesses transporting goods ...

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Two years' notice for Scottish Low Emission Zones will hit city centre businesses

Responding to today’s publication of the draft Low Emission Strategy for Scotland by the Scottish Government, the Freight Transport Association expressed strong concern about the ...

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Latest alcohol and drugs information available from FTA

With Christmas approaching and celebrations getting under way, FTA is urging drivers to make themselves aware of drink and drugs legislation that could see them fall foul of the law over ...

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Journey reliability on A9 is core need for freight and logistics industry

In response to Transport Scotland publishing the first set of data illustrating how speed cameras have influenced driver behaviour on the A9 between Dunblane and Inverness, the FTA ...

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FTA to pilot new course for workshop engineering managers

The Freight Transport Association has designed a new course aimed at developing the careers of high level technicians, workshop supervisors and fleet engineering managers, for a ...

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Lorry park plan will ease Operation Stack nightmare, says FTA

Plans for a new lorry park in Kent to ease the disruption caused by Operation Stack will provide much-needed facilities for truck drivers and end road chaos for residents and businesses, according ...

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Congestion on UK roads worst for over 10 years, FTA survey reveals

A Freight Transport Association survey has revealed that congestion on UK roads is the worst it has been for over 10 years. FTA’s Quarterly Transport Activity Survey (QTAS) illustrated the ...

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