Theatre 2

Managing people in a connected world

These sessions focus on the human aspects of how opportunities like Artificial Intelligence, autonomous transport, the gig economy, lack of new entrants and other ‘soft’ aspects are affecting the future shape of the industry.

09.45 Theatre keynote - Creating a career path for the logistics sector

Pierre de Carteret, CEO, Keijos Consulting

Coffee break

11.00 Developing the skills needed for the 21st Century logistics sector​

Sally Gilson, Head of Skills, FTA

11.30 People, automation and the gig economy - the legal implications for the logistics sector

Amanda Buchanan, Senior Solicitor, Levy Macrae Solicitors

Break for lunch

13.30 The role of RPT in improving operations​

Mark Harrison & Kevin Youens, Schoeller Allibert

14.00 Redesigning the last mile using virtual DCs

Lionel Curtis, Technical Director, Cartwright Group

Coffee break

15.15 In-cab technologies and the future of the driver

Vernon Bonser, TomTom Telematics

15.45 Using telematics to improve driver training

Duncan McCormack, Senior Trainer, FTA

16.30 Summary of the day - Where is the future headed?

17.00 Conference closes


Tickets - £150 + VAT