Driver Risk Assessments

Why should I risk assess my drivers?

Drivers can be a big risk. You rely on them to act in the best interest of your business, to drive safely and avoid accidents and to ensure they are acting in accordance with the law. Drivers also have an impact on the efficiency of your operation through fuel usage and safe driving techniques.

Having the ability to risk profile your drivers puts you in a position to decide which would benefit from further training or corrective education, therefore leading to risk reduction, safer drivers and fewer accidents.

How do these risk assessments work?

Risk assessments can either be set up for all your drivers at a regularity to suit you, or they can be triggered by our online portal. If you go for the latter option, then you may set parameters such as when a driver reaches a certain number of penalty points, with this then triggering an automatic online assessment to be sent to your driver. Alerts for other line managers can also be automatically triggered at the same time.

The assessments cover three main themes.

  • Knowledge – questions are extracted from the Highway Code
  • Attitude – drivers are asked to consider their driving
  • Skills – hazard awareness and reflection

What are the benefits?

Manages risk

Understanding the level of risk each driver poses allows you to put preventative measures in place, such as driver training, to help avoid noncompliance or accidents

You will be alerted if a driver fails the assessment and you can then decide to reassess them or choose to provide them with e-learning, classroom or in-cab training – putting you in control of the risk and costs.

Peace of mind

Individual driver knowledge ensures it can act accordingly to reduce business risk

Provides control

Our online portal allows you to set up alerts when drivers fail online assessments and can trigger alerts to line managers to aid in driver management


How can I get more information?

For more information please take a look at our brochure, complete our 'What would it cost to check your drivers?' online enquiry or call 01442 430988*


*calls may be recorded, for more information please view our Privacy Policy

Driver Licence Checking Services brochure