Showing 821-830 results of 2000

FTA welcomes global aviation agreement to reduce emissions

The Freight Transport Association has today welcomed the resolution passed by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to manage and reduce the pollution from air transportation across the world ...

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Passengerfta to launch new service at Euro Bus 2010

Passengerfta will be launching its new Passenger Transport Information and Compliance Service (PTICS) at Euro Bus Expo 2010, which takes place at the NEC in Birmingham from Tuesday 2 to Thursday 4 November ...

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FTA gives evidence to Severn tolls inquiry

The Freight Transport Association gave oral evidence today to the Welsh Affairs Committee (WAC) at the House of Commons, calling for an inquiry into what it has labelled ‘gratuitous and cynical price hikes’ on the Severn crossing tolls ...

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Scotland needs new approach to meet shipping demands

Scotland is a net exporter of goods and its industry depends heavily on empty shipping containers with which to transport these goods to market. However, fewer containers are currently available, thereby heaping pressure ...

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FTA encouraged by Government’s transport investment promise

Road and rail projects which have been highlighted by the Freight Transport Association (FTA) as key to the UK’s economic future have been given a lifeline in today’s Comprehensive Spending Review ...

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FTA hits out as TfL buries news of Congestion Charge hike

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has accused Transport for London (TfL) of using underhand tactics to bury the bad news of an eye-watering, above-inflation rise in London’s daily Congestion Charge amid news of ...

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FTA grapples with competition issues at European Maritime Law Association’s conference

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) today set out the challenges facing shippers and carriers in the context of the modern regulatory landscape at the European Maritime Law Association annual conference ...

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FTA welcomes a fair deal for logistics in government transport plans

Key transport projects which the Freight Transport Association (FTA) highlighted as vital trade routes in need of protection from spending cuts have been saved, it was announced today ...

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Freight by Water (FbW) joins FTA

As of Monday November 1 2010, water freight promotional body Freight by Water (FbW) is joining the Freight Transport Association (FTA), Britain’s largest trade association ...

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FTA dismayed by inaction over introduction of O-licensing in Northern Ireland

Since receiving Royal Assent in January this year, little progress has been made in making Operator Licensing in Northern Ireland – to improve safety standards among commercial vehicle operators – a reality, warns ...

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