Showing 721-730 results of 2000

C-Charge automated system will benefit smaller freight operators, says FTA

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has welcomed news that Mayor Boris Johnson has decided to introduce an automated payment system for the London Congestion Charge ...

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Abandonment of freight data capture is a victory for common sense

FTA welcomes the decision by the Home Office and the UK Border Agency (UKBA) not to implement police freight data capture powers for the movement of goods within the European Union ...

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Emissions trading is the smart way to reduce aviation’s carbon output

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has urged politicians to put their full support behind the emissions trading scheme to meet tough European carbon emissions targets without doing irreparable damage to the UK economy ...

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FTA welcomes measured contribution to ‘green’ debate

A measured response to a tricky issue: that was the response from FTA to the Green Fiscal Commission’s (GFC) report into green fiscal reform, published today (26 October) ...

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FTA seminars help transport managers prioritise extensive responsibilities, says Iveco

FTA's Transport Manager 2009 seminar roadshow – which is currently under way and runs until early December – is sound preparation for transport managers who play a “massively important” role, says exclusive sponsor Iveco ...

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FTA welcomes LibDem recognition of need for level playing field

Leading trade body, the Freight Transport Association (FTA), has cautiously welcomed Liberal Democrat proposals to level the playing field between UK and foreign hauliers. As part of wider LibDem proposals to ...

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FTA welcomes publication of draft port policy paper

The Freight Transport Association (FTA) has welcomed the Department for Transport’s (DfT) long-awaited National Policy Statement for ports. The leading trade body believes that the draft statement should pave the ...

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FTA shapes future of rail freight in Wales

Wider rail tracks, greater load capacity and more freight terminals – allowing goods to be exchanged between road and track – are essential if rail freight is to achieve its true potential in Wales.  That is what the Freight ...

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O-licensing in Northern Ireland: FTA welcomes clearance of latest hurdle

Improved road safety and fairer competition in Northern Ireland took a step closer to realisation yesterday when the Goods Vehicle (Operator Licensing) Bill passed the Consideration stage. The Freight Transport Association ...

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Road safety in Wales boosted by FTA recommendation

Decent overnight lorry parking facilities on Wales’ trunk roads are one step closer after a recommendation made by the Freight Transport Association was accepted by the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG). The leading ...

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