Showing 431-440 results of 2000

Educating drivers on smart motorways is key, says FTA

It is important to concentrate on educating drivers on the safe use of smart motorways, the FTA has said following a statement by the House of Commons Transport Committee ...

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FTA says Shaw Report raises issues for freight

The Freight Transport Association says recommendations in Nicola Shaw's report on the future funding and structure of Network Rail raise serious issues for long distance freight services ...

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FTA’s Vehicle Inspection Service strikes gold

The FTA is showcasing the work of its dedicated Vehicle Inspection Service (VIS) team as it marks its golden anniversary. Part of the 50th celebrations are being held at an industry event at Volvo ...

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Fuel Duty freeze: good but not great, says FTA

Whilst the Chancellor’s announcement to freeze fuel in today’s Budget has been welcomed by FTA it has also expressed disappointment that he did not take the opportunity to reduce ...

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Halving Severn tolls a step in the right direction, says FTA

News that tolls on the Severn bridges are to be halved has been described as a step in the right direction by the Freight Transport Association. George Osborne announced as part of his ...

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Successful Skills Summit focuses on future of logistics | FTA

"Great interactive session" "Look forward to hearing how you're going to change the image of the industry" and "So important to educate young people about logistics" are just a few of the ...

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Youngest OLAT candidate attends Skills Summit

A 16-year-old boy with dreams of running his own transport company was among delegates at the Freight Transport Association’s Skills Summit – Attract, Recruit & Retain - yesterday ...

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Bridgestone Tyres recognised for support of FTA carbon scheme

Bridgestone Tyres was recognised for its continuing support of the Freight Transport Association’s Logistics Carbon Reduction Scheme (LCRS) during last week’s successful Skills Summit at ...

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Scotland’s rail freight strategy – good news for industry says FTA

The Freight Transport Association is backing today’s launch of Scotland’s rail freight strategy stating that it will be good for the freight and logistics industry ...

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Hollande's Calais decision mirrors FTA advice

The announcement by President Hollande to close the Jungle camp in Calais and move the migrants to reception centres across France reflects a long-standing appeal by the FTA to do just that ...

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