Theatre Keynote - Whose truck is it? And should it really matter?


Lyall Cresswell, CEO, Transport Exchange

As economic pressures mount and both local and global emission legislation tightens, data-driven collaborative logistics platforms which allow organizations to build large, ‘edgeless’ mixed fleets are likely to play an increasingly significant role in ensuring that operators – both large and small – can adapt and thrive in the highly demanding low to zero-emission freight landscapes of tomorrow.  In this new world of edgeless fleets, does it really matter whose vehicle you’re using so long as you have the advanced visibility and ‘low touch’ control you need to keep your word to the customer and run efficiently?

In this fascinating insight into how AI and smart resourcing can highlight patterns and opportunities for change, Lyall Cresswell will demonstrate that achieving these efficiency and effectiveness goals is entirely possible, it just might take some different thinking rather than new hardware.