Logistics Report


The Logistics Report is Logistics UK’s annual review of the trends affecting the logistics industry in the UK. It provides an up-to-date assessment of the issues those moving goods are facing, across all modes of transport and parts of UK logistics. Logistics underpins the whole economy and is an enabler of trade and growth. The data in this report reinforces our calls for partnership with policy makers to unlock the full potential of the sector.  

Set against the backdrop of global geopolitical volatility, new trade processes, a recession and changing climate conditions, the report uses national statistics and the findings of our annual Logistics Industry Survey to describe the size and activity of the sector and issues with connectivity and efficiency, skills, decarbonisation and trade. It also considers challenges for the future in these areas. 

Our Logistics Industry Survey is a central element of this report. Conducted annually, the survey had over 500 respondents in January 2024. Respondents represented buyers and operators of logistics services by road, rail, water and air.

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