European Road Freight Service

Who is this for?   

The European Road Freight Service is valuable for all operators of vehicles that enter mainland Europe and beyond. 

What will we gain from taking this service?   

This subscription service is available to all Logistics UK members, therefore in addition to the benefits of Logistics UK membership, the European Road Freight Service will also provide you with the following.  

European Road Freight Guide

The definitive guide to operating goods vehicles in 51 countries in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. Updated annually, this guide helps to clarify the often-confusing set of regulations faced by UK-based operators moving goods in the EU and beyond. The guide provides transport managers with the information needed to avoid unexpected delays and deal effectively with roadside enforcement.

Information is given on public holidays, driving restrictions, weekend lorry bans, toll prices and other essential facts for fleet operators in both the hire and reward and own account sectors.

In addition, there is information on ferry services, plus advice on stowaways, cabotage, Customs procedures and theft prevention

A copy is provided free of charge to subscribers with further copies able to be purchased from Logistics UK’s Shop

Monthly European Road Freight Digest

A review of policy announcements, proposals and decisions by the UK Government and EU Institutions regarding public policy and regulation affecting road haulage. It keeps you up to date with:  

  • Current international issues by country such as road closures, fuel prices and public holidays  
  • Topical news items and legislation developments from Brussels  
  • Updates from HM Revenue and Customs  
  • Port and ferry news 

Subscribers to the European Road Freight Service can view current and previous copies of the monthly EU Road Freight Digest.

European Alert bulletins

Essential emails reporting up-to-date announcements, proposals and issues affecting road transport around Europe. Enables you to:

  • re-route or delay sending your vehicles  
  • divert your drivers to prevent them wasting time in traffic queues  
  • advise your customers of possible delays  
  • manage and minimise the impact of disruptions to your customers  




Exclusive extras as members

Own account documents  

Available on request and free to European Road Freight Service subscribers, Own Account documents are available to those who only hold restricted operator licences and consequently cannot produce a Community Authorisation when travelling within the EU. These documents are usually sufficient to explain that your activities are on own account and not professional haulage; and keep most officials satisfied. 

Manager's Guide to Distribution Costs

In addition to great savings is the Manager's Guide to Distribution Costs - This annual guide lets you effectively monitor your transport costs using expert advice and quarterly updates on wages trends, vehicle operating costs and haulage rate trends, as well as forecasts and information on warehouse costs and how to manage fuel costs. Add this additional benefit (£375).


How do I subscribe?   

We can guide you through this subscription service and any other additions that may benefit your individual operation. Call our Customer Service Centre on 03717 11 22 22* for more information. 



*Calls may be recorded. For more information please see the 'Telephone' section of our Privacy Policy.

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