Logistics UK members can download our member logo to use on their company stationery and website. Find out more about the benefits of membership.
Members can download the logo and read the Logistics UK brand guidelines using the links below.
Logistics UK's Logo and Brand Guidelines
As part of your Logistics UK membership, we encourage you to use our member logo on your stationery and letterhead to show you are an active participant in Logistics UK.
You may reproduce the logo in the colours of black and Pantone 485 or in black only, in accordance with the format shown.

(Red) Download our member logo - 1183 x 373 (png)
(Blue) Download our member logo - 1183 x 373 (png)
(Black) Download our member logo - 1183 x 373 (png)
(White) Download our member logo - 1183 x 373 (png)
Use of the Logo and Brand Guidelines
Terms and conditions of logo reproduction
Logistics UK shall have power to withdraw the right to use the Logistics UK logo as provided for in this bye-law from any participant where, in its opinion, continued use by that participant would be likely to reflect adversely on the Logistics UK for whatever reason. Any member who knowingly contravenes this bye-law may, on the recommendation of the appropriate Divisional Committee, be required to withdraw from membership of the Association pursuant to Article 13.