Logistics is fundamental to Scotland and Scottish government policy needs to reflect scale of sector, says Logistics UK

Friday 21 June 2024

Leading business group Logistics UK met with Cabinet Secretary for Transport Fiona Hyslop on Thursday (20.06.24) to discuss how logistics underpins the Scottish economy, and how Scotland can unlock the power of the sector to drive inclusive growth.

During the meeting, Logistics UK Deputy Director, Michelle Gardner and Senior Policy Manager – Scotland, Alexandra Herdman were joined by Logistics UK members, to discuss with Fiona Hyslop MSP where progress on policy would enable the sector to thrive and support a just transition to a green economy.  

Logistics UK explained that there are almost 11,000 logistics businesses in Scotland and over 200,000 people employed in logistics roles – 7.8% of the Scottish workforce and Logistics UK members stressed the need for Scottish government policy to reflect the scale of the sector. The meeting also provided the opportunity for Logistics UK to outline four key areas where the Scottish government must focus attention to drive inclusive growth: a close partnership between the Scottish government and the logistics sector; innovative and integrated infrastructure, with Scotland playing a key part in a UK logistics network; a just transition to a green economy that keeps costs down and supply chains resilient; and skills partnerships to support a thriving sector and resilient supply chains.

Outlining the vital role logistics plays in the Scottish economy, Logistics UK’s Senior Policy Manager - Scotland, Alexandra Herdman, says, “We are grateful that the Cabinet Secretary was able to meet with our members, who highlighted the importance of the logistics sector to Scotland. The contribution that logistics makes cannot be understated and we were able to show it can provide additional significant growth for the Scottish economy with a targeted focus on the country’s infrastructure pinch points, electric vehicle charging network and opportunities for modal shift.

“We were encouraged to hear that the Cabinet Secretary recognises the vital role of the sector and her commitment to improving road safety.”

Logistics UK is one of the UK’s leading business groups, representing logistics businesses which are vital to keeping the UK trading, and more than seven million people directly employed in the making, selling and moving of goods. With decarbonisation, Brexit, new technology and other disruptive forces driving change in the way goods move across borders and through the supply chain, logistics has never been more important to UK plc. Logistics UK supports, shapes and stands up for safe and efficient logistics, and is the only business group which represents the whole industry, with members from the road, rail, sea and air industries, as well as the buyers of freight services such as retailers and manufacturers whose businesses depend on the efficient movement of goods. For more information about the organisation and its work, please visit logistics.org.uk .    

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