Logistics UK response to Chancellor’s Winter Economy Plan

Thursday 24 September 2020

In response to the government’s announcement today (24 September 2020) on measures to support the economy, David Wells, Chief Executive of Logistics UK, comments:

“Logistics UK warned government that urgent action was needed to protect struggling businesses to avoid an avalanche of redundancies and insolvencies; we are pleased the Chancellor has listened to our fears and offered a platform for economic growth and recovery. With the UK remaining in crisis mode as coronavirus cases rise, ongoing, flexible financial support for businesses will be essential until the economy recovers. We are pleased to see the targeting of hospitality, tourism and small and medium sized companies, all of whom have been hit particularly hard by the COVID-19 containment measures. We also support the measures to assist businesses with cashflow issues with more generous loan terms and VAT deferrals.”

Logistics UK (formerly FTA) is one of the UK’s leading business groups, representing logistics businesses which are vital to keeping the UK trading, and more than seven million people directly employed in the making, selling and moving of goods. With COVID-19, Brexit, new technology and other disruptive forces driving change in the way goods move across borders and through the supply chain, logistics has never been more important to UK plc. Logistics UK supports, shapes and stands up for safe and efficient logistics, and is the only business group which represents the whole industry, with members from the road, rail, sea and air industries, as well as the buyers of freight services such as retailers and manufacturers whose businesses depend on the efficient movement of goods.