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Rishi Sunak’s snap general election - what it means for Logistics UK members
What will the 2024 general election mean for the logistics industry? And what happens to legislation that did not make it through?
Between now and 4 July – How does it work? And what happens after 4 July?
Parliamentary business was officially wound-up last Friday 24 May, with the Parliament being dissolved today, 30 May. Once Parliament is dissolved, MPs lose that title and either become candidates campaigning for re-election or choose to stand down.
The pre-election period, often known as purdah, began at 00:01 on 25 May. During this period, Ministers will remain in office and in charge of their departments but they, government departments and other public bodies will observe strict discretion in making decisions and announcements while election campaigning takes place.
The word “purdah” is derived from the Urdu and Persian word “parda” meaning “veil or curtain.”
Last week, between the election being called and Parliament being prorogued, the government had to decide which bills it wanted to prioritise in a process known as the “wash-up”. Any primary legislation not passed before the prorogation has now fallen and will only return to Parliament if the next government chooses to resurrect it.
The situation is slightly different for secondary legislation that had been introduced but not yet passed – as that remains frozen, ready for the next Parliament to consider it. For the logistics sector, the most significant legislative impact is that changes to the Driver CPC rules, laid down in Parliament earlier in May, have been paused until the new Parliament begins.
The introduction of a new ‘National Driver CPC’ to permit, for example, periodic training modules of less than seven hours, will take place sometime later this year. Logistics UK will continue to press for its swift adoption in Parliament, when it returns.
Before the prorogation, the deadlines for three Development Consent Orders due for a decision by the Secretary of State for Transport were also extended to 4 October, rather than let fall. These include the Lower Thames Crossing and the proposed development by Associated British Ports of a new roll on-roll off ferry terminal at the Port of Immingham.
In the days before Parliamentary business concluded, the Automated Vehicles bill became law.
Attention now turns to the election campaign and preparing for the new government and Parliament that will follow it.
The new government is expected to begin taking shape on 5 July, unless there is a need for coalition negotiations. The new Parliament will then first meet on 9 July, when MPs begin to take the oath and the House of Commons elects a Speaker.
Whatever the result, this will be a very different Parliament, as at least 129 MPs from the Parliament being dissolved on 30 May are not seeking re-election. The new government will set out its legislative programme for the year via the King’s Speech on 17 July and is then expected to begin work on a full spending review, setting departmental budgets for the period from 1 April 2025.
Ben Garratt, Logistics UK’s Deputy Director – Public Affairs, said: “this is a crucial time for the logistics sector to be part of the national debate.
"Over the coming weeks, we will be engaging with the parties, candidates and the media, to highlight our priorities and the importance of the sector. To prepare for the post-election period, we will also be refining our policy priorities for the first 100 days of a new government and the forthcoming spending review, based on our national manifesto, published earlier this year.
"Alongside this, we will continue engaging directly with the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, which continue to function during the general election period.”
Published On: 30/05/2024 15:00:00
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The simple idea that claims to cuts cargo ship emissions by 17.3% in first trials
And you don’t need to do anything to your vessels!
It’s called the 'Blue Visby Solution' and suggests significant fuel and emissions savings for cargo ships worldwide. The trick? Well, there isn’t one. You simply have to be more aware of speed and timing and focussed on eliminating inefficiencies.
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With the Blue Visby Solution you don't have to alter the ships at all. You just pilot them differently.
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A sample of 3,651 Panamax vessels taking 20,580 trips in 2022 estimated these timing alterations could cut emissions by a median rate of 23.2% without affecting customer outcomes.
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