Paragraph 12 (3) states: ‘subject to the provisions of any applicable collective agreement or workforce agreement, the rest break provided for in paragraph (1) is an uninterrupted period of not less than 20 minutes, and the worker is entitled to spend it away from his workstation if he has one.’
A) This is not as straight forward as you may expect. Mobile workers who work under GB domestic drivers hours rules only have to abide by adequate rest. Non-mobile workers require a minimum 20 minutes break if a worker is to work for more than six hours at a stretch which needs to be taken during working time.
Mobile workers who operate under EU drivers hours rules, may not work for more than six hours without taking a break, Breaks must be at least 15 minutes long. A total of 30 minutes break is needed if total working time is over six hours but not over nine hours, and 45 minutes break if the total working time is over nine hours.
Breaks must interrupt working time and cannot be taken at the start or end of a shift.
Safety inspection rollers
Q) Are you able to confirm that on a safety inspection record, when a roller brake test (RBT) is completed, that a copy of the RBT must be printed and attached to the safety inspection record, or can the details of the RBT be written on the safety inspection sheet?
A) Within section 5.3 of the Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness it states that a signed printout of the brake efficiency test from either the RBT, plate tester or decelerometer should be attached to the safety inspection record. If the brake test equipment cannot produce a printout, the test results need to be recorded by the inspector on the safety inspection report.
If the braking performance is being monitored by EBPMS, the performance value should either be detailed on the safety inspection report or a braking performance report attached separately.