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Driver CPC - Road Legal

This course offers an in-depth review of road traffic law to support a driver’s knowledge of navigating roads safely and securely with confidence. 

Benefits of attending 

  • Offers detailed knowledge and understanding of the legal responsibilities in being ready for the road.
  • Increased awareness of vehicle security. 
  • Improved ability on how to assess, react and respond in emergency and breakdown situations. 
  • Supports basic principles of emergency care in the event of third party injury. 
  • Comprehensive guidance on completion of incident report forms in event of a road traffic collision.

Course content 

  • Are you ready for the road?
  • Is your vehicle ready for the road? 
  • Driving on the road: 
    • Highway Code
    • Load safety
    • Bridge strikes
  •  Enforcement procedures and penalties. 
  •  Emergencies.
  •  What to do at the scene of an accident. 

Course duration 

  • 1 day (7 hours excluding lunch and breaks). Maximum 20 delegates depending on facilities 
  • This price includes the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) upload fee of currently £8.75 per 7-hour block (subject to change at the discretion of DVSA)
  • Price includes tuition, course materials, lunch and refreshments 
  • Please notify us of any special requirements or access arrangements at the time of booking
  • Course available to Consortium members

This course is also available as an in-company option.  For more information please email or call 03717 11 22 22. 


Course ID: DRIVER17Fq

Training Course Enquiry Form

Course Dates


JUNE Location
11 Leeds
11 Falkirk
1 Belfast
15 Coventry
13 Warrington
16 Tunbridge Wells