Decarbonisation Strategy Case Study


When one of the UKs largest power networks decided to lead by example and start the migration to Net Zero they came to the Logistics UK Supply Chain Consultancy for advice, analysis and an independent view of the options available.

Its not easy providing power to huge parts of the UK, from busy city streets with little or no parking to vast open fields with long, exposed power lines, the network needs maintaining, supporting and repairing.  The demands placed upon the vast and varied vehicle types mean that it’s not easy to simply move to EV’s across the entire fleet.  But as a power supplier with green credentials and even greener ambitions it is important to show the way, where possible and when affordable.

As is often the case with consultancy projects, the client had some clear ideas about the options available but lacked the time and expertise to analyse the fleet requirements, the options available, particularly regarding payload and range demands, which are needed to develop a clear deliverable plan.

Logistics UK Consultants provided the skills and independent assessment that was required to support the in-house team in the development of a 10-year Road to Net Zero Plan.  Firm procurement plans were developed for the early years with broader plans being identified for the future years accepting that new technologies could emerge that enabled a faster transition or even redirection should new fuels become readily available.

Paul Wilson from Logistics UK clearly enjoyed working with the team and said, “it’s always a pleasure to help members with their business challenges, even more so when the project focus is as important as decarbonisation.  I am please we could help this Logistics UK member develop deliverable plans for its journey to Net Zero”.


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