Compliance Audits Workshop

With the introduction of the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency’s (DVSA) Earned Recognition scheme, the Freight Transport Association has created a joined-up compliance solution to assist operators complete all the necessary steps to demonstrate they can achieve the required standard.
With its history of compliance excellence, FTA is ideally placed to support members with the introduction of Earned Recognition across the sector using already-recognised markers of achievement such as FTAs Truck Excellence, combined with our leading compliance platform Vision, we will help ensure that the new process continues to drive up standards across the industry.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide necessary support and guidance on the most effective route to achieving compliance excellence and become an exemplary operator within our industry.
The objectives of this workshop are to:
- provide members with the background knowledge of the compliance excellence standards contained in Truck Excellence and DVSAs Earned Recognition scheme
- guide members on how to achieve the standard criteria
- evaluate transport management compliance systems
- help members decide on the most effective route to becoming an exemplary operator
- give members confidence in applying for Truck Excellence and/or ER status
- identify essential FTA compliance support services
The aim of this management workshop is to provide a comprehensive review of DVSA’s Earned Recognition Standard criteria to aid operators in achieving status as an exemplary operator within the industry. Operators who achieve earned recognition will be:
- Able to prove exemplary operator status when bidding for contracts
- Recognised as a DVSA-approved operator on a list on GOV.UK
- Less likely to have their vehicles stopped at the roadside for inspections, saving time and money
- Less likely to have DVSA enforcement staff visit their premises
Benefits of attendance:
- Identify effective methods to demonstrate compliance with ER standards
- Recognise policies and procedures requiring review
- Understand compliance system evaluation requirements
- Guidance to become a DVSA recognised exemplar operator
Content includes:
- An overview of the policies, procedures and systems that you will need to ensure compliance with the standard, including those relating to:
- Operator licensing
- Transport manager
- Vehicle standards
- Drivers’ hours
- Operational management
- Driver management
- Training and driver behaviour
- Driver-related policies
- Dangerous goods (HGV operators) or service work (PSV operators) (if applicable)
- A guide to the audit process
- Navigating the route to compliance
- Systems and KPI management (includes analysis software)
Download the Earned Recognition Application Form Here