FTA detects air of ‘excited uncertainty’ at Labour conference

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Following a successful outing at the Lib Dem party conference last week, FTA has been ‘talking transport’ with influential MPs at Labour’s event in Manchester this week.

More face-to-face meetings with the likes of MPs such as Geraint Davies, Nic Dakin, and Transport Select Committee members Lilian Greenwood and Kelvin Hopkins, presented fresh opportunities to underline the need for investment in the UK’s ailing transport infrastructure and to gauge the new-look opposition party’s level of support for the logistics sector.

Michael Webb, FTA’s Public Affairs Manager, said:

“Both in our meetings with MPs and at our Transport Hub events, which FTA has been project managing, the air of excited uncertainty following the Labour leadership race has been palpable. It will be a while before we see what Ed Miliband has in store for his party, and what his new-look team has in mind for transport, but we have been encouraged by the acceptance among all the main players we have met that transport is not just a peripheral issue to be ignored.

“We were particularly pleased to see former transport minister Paul Clark at the Transport Hub reception last night, and grateful to Louise Ellman, Chair of the Transport Select Committee, for chairing FTA’s own fringe event about how to extract the greatest benefits from the smallest outlay.”

Notes for editors

1.  About Transport Hub - Transport organisations will be afforded a louder voice and a more efficient way of getting their messages across to senior politicians at this year’s political party conferences with the launch of the Transport Hub, which is project managed by the Freight Transport Association (FTA). Transport Hub members comprise FTA, Kapsch, Association of British Travel Agents, Flying Matters, DHL and Airport Operators Association. Transport Hub has also attracted further support from Thomas Cook, DHL, British Chambers of Commerce, Freightliner, TUI UK & Ireland, Manchester Airports Group, Institution of Civil Engineers and British Motorcyclists Federation.

The Transport Hub will enable its members to articulate their messages to maximum effect while avoiding unwanted timetable clashes in what is set to be a hectic conference season.

Visit www.transporthub.org for more information.

2.  FTA will be at the Conservative Conference (4-6 October, Birmingham) and at the SNP conference on 15 October.


FTA Press Office

01892 552255