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Government launches Critical Imports and Supply Chains Strategy
The Department for Business and Trade launched its Critical Imports and Supply Chains Strategy on 17 January, at an event led by Minister of State, Nusrat Ghani.
The strategy outlines the actions the government is already taking as well as the next phase of work across five priority areas, with the aim of building resilient supply chains and safeguarding critical imports.
The priority areas identified are: making the UK government a centre of excellence for supply chain analysis and risk assessment; removing critical import barriers to support the UK’s business-friendly environment; building the UK’s response to global supply chain shocks; ensuring the UK can adapt to long-term trends; and expanding collaboration between government, business and academia.
“With regards to the logistics sector,” said Kevin Green, Director of Policy and Communications at Logistics UK, who attended the launch, “the strategy highlights how shocks to supply chains can manifest themselves as disturbances to logistics networks, and that the government has mapped global trade chokepoints of relevance to imports to the UK in order to support monitoring and response.
“The strategy also highlights that skills development will be supported in priority sectors, with HGV Skills Bootcamps used as an example. The government’s Future of Freight Plan of 2022 is supporting the resilience of our multimodal logistics system.
“Logistics UK fed into the development of the strategy, which commits the government to establish a Critical Imports Council to bring together government and businesses in critical and growth sectors. This will develop collective understanding of priority issues,” continued Mr Green.
“We will be writing to the minister to request a place on this council in our ongoing effort to build capability across critical and growth sectors. This will involve the development of toolkits, guidance and information campaigns on the importance of critical imports, supply chain visibility and risk management.”
Published On: 25/01/2024 14:05:00
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In Brief
Traffic regulation orders: changes to publishing requirements
The Department for Transport (DfT) has published the first part of its response to a consultation conducted in spring 2022 exploring the future of traffic regulation orders (TROs). TROs are used by local councils to regulate traffic in their area and can be used in situations, such as temporary events, to restrict the movement of certain types of vehicle or to restrict or reduce access during works or unsafe road conditions.
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