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Direct Vision Standard 2024 update
Direct Vision Standard โ permit applications open on Monday 24 June for Phase 2
On Monday 24 June, applications will open for HGV safety permits subject to the Progressive Safe System (PSS).
You can apply for an HGV safety permit online, if your vehicle either meets the three-star rating threshold or has been fitted with the PSS.
From 24 June there are 126 days until the rules governing Direct Vision Standard (DVS) change on 28 October 2024.
If you operate an HGV over 12 tonnes gross vehicle weight, your vehicle will need to be rated as three stars or above or have been fitted with the PSS to enter and operate in London from 28 October 2024.
To be ready for 28 October 2024:
· If you are responsible for an HGV rated as zero, one or two stars you should take action now to fit the PSS and get a new HGV safety permit.
· You can find out what you need to install for the PSS, and its technical specifications, on TfL’s website.
· If you already hold an HGV safety permit for a zero-star rated HGV, you will only need to supply TfL with evidence that the Moving Off Information System (MOIS) and Blind Spot Information System (BSIS) have been fitted to your vehicles and are working correctly. Before you do this, make sure your contact details are up to date and you have your existing permit number to hand.
· If you have a vehicle rated as three, four or five stars you do not need to install the PSS and your safety permit will continue to be valid until its expiry date. New vehicles rated three stars or above will still need to apply for a safety permit.
Published On: 20/06/2024 14:00:00
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