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Logistics UK makes headway on the driver shortage
While the nationwide shortage of HGV drivers continues to be a pressing issue across the logistics sector, Logistics UK is making headway on several fronts through its engagement with senior officials at the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and the Department for Transport (DfT).
On vocational testing, the business group is working with both DVSA and DfT to improve the availability of driver testing and raise awareness of centres where testing slots are currently available. Earlier this week (8 November 2021), the government also announced a major review into HGV driver training, to look at improving compulsory ongoing (Driver CPC) training for existing and returning drivers. Logistics UK has been invited to take part in DfT’s industry stakeholder forum to inform the review.
On vehicle testing, HGV test volumes are currently running at around 3,000 per week, compared to a pre-pandemic average of around 1,500.
The government’s £10 million ‘Bootcamp’ funding programme for driver training continues in development, following the completion of the tender stage for companies bidding to run the programme. It is expected that the new scheme will be launched early in 2022.
James Firth, Head of Road Freight Regulation, Logistics UK, said: “Recent developments in improving both the availability and awareness of driver testing and increased vehicle testing volumes, combined with the government’s £10 million ‘Bootcamp’ programme represents a significant policy win for Logistics UK, following hard on the heels of our campaigning on the issue.”
The provision of apprenticeships is also showing progress, with agreement now reached on the standard for the replacement Category C ‘urban driver’ and discussions with the industry Trailblazer Group on the funding band ongoing.
Members interested in these issues are encouraged to join Logistics UK’s Employment Group meetings. Please contact Alex Veitch, Deputy Director – Public Policy, Logistics UK, for further details.
Published On: 11/11/2021 16:00:28
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