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Working for our members: Help us create a planning system that works for logistics
By Jonathan Walker, Head of Cities and Infrastructure Policy at Logistics UK
Logistics UK welcomes the government’s call for evidence which takes feedback on the planning system and if it works for the logistics industry.
I now ask members who have experience of working with the planning system to share their insight to help inform our response.
In June last year, government published the Future of Freight Plan, which was a positive step for our industry and recognises the vital role that logistics plays in supporting the UK economy.
The plan incorporates Logistics UK’s vision for the future of logistics, including a focus on planning rules to reduce barriers to building new logistics developments, and driver parking and facilities.
This call for evidence is the first step in reviewing the planning system to better facilitate the needs of businesses in the sector.
Planning reform will have a big impact on members and this campaign supports two of our big policy strands – our work to increase understanding of the national freight network across government and the infrastructure needed, and helping the industry reach net zero.
The questions in the call for evidence are broad and far reaching, which is encouraging, and should give the in-depth understanding of the whole system that’s required.
The research covers policy at a strategic level, including exploring if local authorities are allocating the right land to logistics, if the industry is sufficiently engaged in the planning system and if planning teams fully understand the needs of logistics.
Two of the key areas that we are pleased to see a focus on are net zero infrastructure and driver facilities, which are vital for the future development of the industry. Businesses are not able to invest in new technology or expand without the infrastructure to support them.
One of the challenges we face with gathering evidence is reaching people who have been through the planning process and have sufficient knowledge to provide insight.
I have anecdotal evidence from members who have been stuck in the planning process when looking to expand their warehouses and I’ve also heard about difficulties in finding sites near towns and cities, which leads to choosing less-than-ideal locations, increasing the cost to do business.
While some members might not feel they are close to the detail, we want to hear all experiences – the good, bad and ugly – of people who are actively involved in planning as well as those working alongside.
I will be gathering evidence through the Warehousing Working Group and the Department for Transport (DfT) has also agreed to hold a session to talk through the planning call for evidence.
Logistics UK has developed a good working relationship with DfT and they are keen to gauge views of our members on this important piece of policy as we work with them to raise the profile of logistics across government.
It's important for members to engage with our working group and planning sessions to inform Logistics UK’s response. Having direct evidence from those who have experience of the planning system enables us to put forward a more effective and impactful case.
Your feedback can support our call for national reform to planning policy and make it simpler to develop logistics sites and to identify the right infrastructure to support.
To provide your feedback and get involved in working group sessions, you can contact me directly on jwalker@logistics.org.uk.
The call for evidence is now open and members can find out more on GOV.UK. It closes on 6 October.
Published On: 17/08/2023 13:00:00
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