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Spotlight on a policy manager… analysing the evidence to support the policy
Alex Williams, Economic Analyst, Logistics UK
I’ve been an Economic Analyst at Logistics UK for just over a year. The main part of my role is researching economic statistics and analysing data sets, which supports the work Logistics UK does on behalf of members. On the media side, this analysis contributes to our media statements and on the policy side, it is used as part of the evidence to support our policy positions, being used to drive forward our asks of policy makers and form the basis of Logistics UK’s reports.
Day to day, I work closely with the rest of the Policy team to respond to queries about a policy area or to support a policy position, such as researching economic statistics and analysing data sets on anything from employment figures to fuel pricing data. By providing statistics, it ensures policies are fact-based and built on solid data. Our Policy team are experts, and having reliable information helps them tell the story.
My main focus at the moment is the Logistics Report, which is due to be published early summer. This is the annual headline report that describes the sector and keeps members informed on topical issues affecting the industry. I am collecting and analysing the data and finding the narrative that adds value to members.
Much of our data is from our own research, including insights from members in our surveys. I can take that data and break it down to the key issues and messages that the Policy team is then able to use to best represent members. It’s essential for members to contribute and feed back to us on their views and the challenges they face, so that we can focus our efforts on what members care about most. Surveys are a key part of membership, and I encourage members to take part in them.
The next survey to look out for is the Logistics Performance Tracker. This is a shorter version of the recent Logistics Industry Survey. It takes a snapshot of the logistics industry and economic issues to understand recovery. This feeds into the Logistics Performance Tracker report, a quarterly publication. This is available as a four-page summary for members, with those that take part in the survey receiving a full slide pack of outputs.
Recently, Logistics UK published its Budget submission to communicate to HM Treasury the asks of the logistics industry, such as our campaign for setting the right level of Fuel Duty that works, and issues such as the skills gap. Perhaps the best part of my role is being able to break down the data and using it to inform policy that realises our end goals. To support our ask to government on Fuel Duty, I researched what it has been and where it is going, which helped us shape an appropriate policy position.
I also write a monthly logistics economic update which is published in e-news for members and shares our analysis of the economy and how that affects them. I’ll be continuing to look at the wider economy and keep members informed on opportunities and challenges.
I’ve really enjoyed working with the Logistics UK Policy team over last year, collecting the data to help shape the right policies for members and industry. It’s been satisfying to see the real impact our work can have for the logistics sector.
Published On: 16/02/2023 16:00:08
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