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Express logistics office delivery for leading online retailer

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As an approved main contractor, Accio Consult & Construct was appointed by a leading online retailer to design and build a new facility in Scotland.

The ambitious brand needed a warehouse, two-storey office block, security gatehouse, and ancillary services to extend its UK-wide network of logistics hubs.

With fewer than six months to deliver the substantial two-storey office block, Accio turned to Elliott.


  • Specify, procure, manufacture, install, and hand over an all-new two-storey office block.
  • Provide a high-quality working environment that would motivate staff and improve operational efficiency and customer service.

Being familiar with Elliott’s products, Accio knew that its Progress range of modular buildings would fit the brief perfectly.

The substantial 18-module building was to consist of meeting and conference rooms, a staff training room, large breakout area, locker rooms with shower facilities, a new mother’s room and even a contemplation room.

The office block had to be placed close to the warehouse, so staff could walk between the two buildings easily. This meant working with care and precision to deliver the office building without compromising the construction of the warehouse.


The office block installation and internal fit-out ran smoothly and was completed on time and on budget.

Elliott’s turn-key solution made it possible to provide everything the client needed through one point of contact. This made life easier for Accio that could then turn its focus to other areas of the project.

From essential health and safety features like fire alarms, ramps, lift, and access control, to comfort features like carpets, window blinds, climate control, and ventilation system to keep staff cool and content.

Elliott was delighted to receive positive feedback and see staff pleased with their new environment.

“This was a greenfield project, so we needed to deliver everything on-site, literally from the ground up,” said Stephen Casey, CEO at Accio Consult & Construct. “Working with Elliott gave us reassurance that the office block would be completed without giving us headaches. In short, the Elliott team delivered.”     

Graham Stevenson, Construction Manager at Elliott, said: “We worked extremely closely with Accio to achieve what the client wanted. Once on-site, we needed to work well together because of the close proximity and the restrictions this causes. We’re very pleased with the result. The client is also happy, which is what matters.” 


Visit Elliott’s website to see what it can do for you.


Published On: 15/04/2021 17:00:08


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