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Policy campaign highlight – December 2022
Highlighting a campaign currently being run by Logistics UK's policy team.
Ensuring clear communication about winter energy supplies
Logistics UK has continued to seek engagement with government and relevant stakeholders on energy supply risks and possible blackouts during winter. As part of this, Logistics UK attended a meeting with the Department for Transport, which outlined contingency planning, while highlighting it is unlikely there will be supply constraints. Separately, Logistics UK wrote to National Grid CEO, John Pettigrew, to seek constructive dialogue. A member roundtable with representatives from across the membership took place with David Wright, Group Chief Engineer & Group Director of Safety, Health & Business Resilience, to help inform member understanding.
Going forward, Logistics UK will continue to highlight member concerns to government and is seeking a meeting with Grant Shapps, in his role as Business Secretary, to highlight the importance of logistics being considered in contingency planning. Members are also encouraged to consider their own business contingency planning, in the event shortages were to occur, despite the risk being low.
Published On: 08/12/2022 16:00:33
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