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Ask The MAC

With Becky Martin, Senior Transport Advisor

Time to party

Q) I have picked up a 3rd party trailer to do a delivery within Central London, I have received a PCN for the trailer not having any signage within the DVS area, can I dispute this as it’s not my trailer?  

A) As the user of the trailer then you are responsible for ensuring it meets the standards when entering the Direct Vision Area in London so the PCN will need to be paid. Consider discussing, drawing up in a contract with the owner of the trailer that they will supply compliant trailers under the Direct Vision Standard scheme.  


Play your cards right...

Q) One of my new drivers has an EU Tachograph card and wishes to exchange this for a UK one, is this possible when the EU tachograph card is still valid?  

A) If a driver was to apply to exchange an EU driver tachograph card this would be possible while they have a valid EU one by using form D777B. They should retain their EU card and continue using whilst the application is in process. When they receive their new UK tachograph card, they must start using the UK one immediately and send the EU card to DVLA.  

A written instruction is sent to the driver at this point. 

Published On: 30/05/2024 15:00:00


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